Wednesday, April 22, 2015


*I know the board looks awful and in desperate need of intensive cleaning. Here's what's actually written:

"The last time he'd thought about her, he had been boarding a plane to Moscow. At that moment he realized he'll never see her again. She was at the lounge gazing at the passengers queuing at the check-in desk; unaware of his presence until he stumbled over his backpack a few feet away. Annya just stared at him, probably shocked to see him of all people, he thought.

Out of nowhere, juice splashed over his expensive suit. He looked up and saw the blonde flight attendant .."

One of my favorite exercises done in class just last week with group A (group B took us to Spain!) as we tackled the use of flashback and time-span in our Creative Writing class. We were practicing how to signal, start and end a flashback. Utilizing memory to bring forth information that adds to the story line through taking both the reader and characters back in time.

Perhaps the greatest aim of writing as a group is allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and try to throw things that all can work on/with. Any idea is possible and it's amazing how much you're able to learn.

When writing fiction, you're practically the god of your story. You're creating this small world of yours where people move about at your command. Just like what we did to this poor guy who's reminiscing Annya: we made him fall over then had juice ruin his classy suit!

I wonder what his name could be?

Keep writing,

Hana S.

1 comment:

  1. "bring up memories."
    I sound as if i am fifty remembering the old days of college, but actually I am taking the course now. I love the idea of students expressing there thoughts ,what they feel, and most important exploring the island of creativity that is located in their mind.
